Dental implant technology continues to advance. While we offer traditional dental implants, there is also the possibility of choosing the All-On-4® or All-On-6® implant technique. These procedures pair implants with a fixed or removable denture, so that patients can replace missing teeth more securely and with fewer implants than the traditional procedure.
Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures
If you already have dentures, you’re familiar with their pros and cons. You might have issues with them slipping and clicking, making talking and eating more difficult. You might feel nervous that your dentures aren’t going to remain stable, leading you to feel self-conscious in social or professional settings. No matter your experience, adding implants will help. They act as secure foundations for your dentures, anchoring them to your jaws.
All-On-4 and All-On-6 simplify implant surgery for patients interested in implant-supported dentures. They draw on the strength of the thick bone structure at the front of the jaws. After the implants are placed (either 4 or 6, depending on the procedure), they integrate with the natural bone tissue to form a new addition to the jaw structure. Their unique advantages include:
- Dentures can typically be paired with the implants immediately after surgery, allowing patients to enjoy full smiles while they heal.
- Healing takes less time, since there are fewer implants placed.
- Jaw bone grafting won’t be necessary since there is adequate bone tissue at the front of the jaw.
- Implants are available to a wider range of candidates, since they don’t require the same bone structure as traditional implants.
- The accompanying denture can be a new one, or a set of dentures the patient has already been using.
- Choosing dental implant-supported dentures allows you to stimulate your jaw bone to help preserve bone tissue. This prevents the sunken-in jaw and premature aging that many long-time denture wearers experience.
What’s the Difference Between All-On-4 and All-On-6?
The primary difference is the number of implants. All-On-4 uses four implants, while All-On-6 uses six (four standard and two short). Dr. de Jongh will take x-rays of your jaw structure to determine which might be ideal for your needs. Schedule your consultation today to get started.