Our Favorite Invisalign Hacks

mini toothbrush and toothpaste in a travel oral hygiene kit for invisalign patients

Your travel toothbrush is going to become your new best friend!


Your daily routine will need a few adjustments when it comes to your new Invisalign orthodontics, but the end results of your new straighter smile is sure worth it. The overall process of Invisalign treatment is simpler than you might think, and if you’re considering whether or not to commit and move ahead with beginning treatment, let our favorite Invisalign hacks put any hesitations you have to rest.

Treatment Advantages of Invisalign

Committing to any orthodontic treatment as an adult can feel intimidating with a lot of unknowns. Invisalign is a great option for adults and older teens wanting to straighten their smile because it puts the patients needs first allowing you to comfortably straighten your teeth without the use of embarrassing metal brackets and wires.

See for yourself how the advantages of Invisalign outweigh traditional orthodontic treatments.


Subtle Straightening

The most obvious benefit when it comes to Invisalign is that the plastic aligners blend right into your smile, for subtle, and almost unnoticeable orthodontic treatment. Being able to have straighter teeth without everyone around you knowing you’re doing so allows you to still feel like yourself with the confidence in knowing everyone isn’t focused on a metal smile.


The smooth surfaces of your clear aligner trays keep your mouth, cheeks and tongue healthy without scratches or uncomfortable sores where brackets rub. The clear plastic aligners fit your smile snugly, making the adjustment process a short one.

No Diet Restrictions

Since Invisalign aligners are removable, you won’t have to restrict your diet, allowing you to eat whatever foods you’d like.

Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

Removable aligners allow for you to brush and floss normally, eliminating staining around brackets and keeping your teeth as healthy as they would be without orthodontic treatment.

Your Schedule

Because Invisalign aligners are removable, they allow you to keep living your busy life as usual with minimal office visits. Since multiple aligners are dispensed at each exam, you can switch to a new set at home with fewer trips to the office and less time spent in an orthodontic chair.

Invisalign Hacks From The Pros

With any orthodontic treatment, there are special considerations attached to daily life and a list of do’s and don’ts if you want to see successful results from treatment. Fortunately, our staff is here to help you see a straighter smile in the mirror in no time.


  • Practice Makes Perfect. When you first begin wearing Invisalign aligners, you might be a little concerned to find that you’re speaking with a lisp, or that it’s difficult for you to speak as you normally would. Practice speaking while wearing aligners to reduce the initial lisp, and practice your pronunciation at home so you can adapt to speaking with your new aligners as quickly as possible.
  • Build a Mini Oral Hygiene Kit. Brushing and flossing are more valuable than ever during Invisalign treatment. You’ll love having a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss on hand because you will need to brush your teeth every time you eat or drink before replacing your aligners to prevent cavities.
  • Cut Back On Snacking and Sipping. Because you have to clean your teeth after eating and drinking everything, you’ll find yourself being more mindful of snacking or sipping out of boredom. As an added bonus to straight teeth, many patients find they lose a little weight during Invisalign treatment because it limits your snacking.
  • Clean Your Aligners Properly. While it might seem sensible to brush your aligners with toothpaste, this is overly abrasive and could damage the trasy, making them more visible on your teeth. Rinse your trays every time you take them out of your mouth, and use clear antibacterial soap to keep your trays clean and clear. Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush to help remove some of the plaque.
  • Use Your Phone as a Resource. Set a phone alarm whenever you remove your aligners to help in remembering to clean your teeth after eating, and to put your aligners back in. Aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours of every 24 hour period so remembering to place them back on your teeth is vital in the success of your treatment.


Why Invisalign Now? Adult Braces are More Popular Than Ever

Take the state of your teeth into your own hands and get that straighter smile you’ve always wanted, but never had as a kid. With new, modern treatment options, adults are able to restore confidence lost from crooked teeth and gain teeth that are straighter, more attractive and healthier.

Let Dr. de Jongh help you take the first step in regaining your self confidence by gaining the straight smile you’ve always wanted, and schedule your consultation with our team today!


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